浮云终日行, 游子久不至。
三夜频梦君, 情亲见君意。
告归常局促, 苦道来不易。
江湖多风波, 舟楫恐失坠。
出门搔白首, 若负平生志。
冠盖满京华, 斯人独憔悴。
孰云网恢恢, 将老身反累。
千秋万岁名, 寂寞身后事。
seeing li bai in a dream( ii )
du fu
this cloud, that has drifted all day through the sky,
may, like a wanderer, never come back….
three nights now i have dreamed of you --
as tender, intimate and real as though i were awake.
and then, abruptly rising to go,
you told me the perils of adventure
by river and lake-the storms, the wrecks,
the fears that are borne on a little boat;
and, here in my doorway, you rubbed your white head
as if there were something puzzling you.
…our capital teems with officious people,
while you are alone and helpless and poor.
who says that the heavenly net never fails?
it has brought you ill fortune, old as you are.
…a thousand years' fame, ten thousand years' fame-
what good, when you are dead and gone.
汲井漱寒齿, 清心拂尘服。
闲持贝叶书, 步出东斋读。
真源了无取, 忘迹世所逐。
遗言冀可冥, 缮性何由熟。
道人庭宇静, 苔色连深竹。
日出雾露余, 青松如膏沐。
澹然离言说, 悟悦心自足。
reading buddhist classics with zhao
at his temple in the early morning
liu zongyuan
i clean my teeth in water drawn from a cold well;
and while i brush my clothes, i purify my mind;
then, slowly turning pages in the tree-leaf book,
i recite, along the path to the eastern shelter.
…the world has forgotten the true fountain of this teaching
and people enslave themselves to miracles and fables.
under the given words i want the essential meaning,
i look for the simplest way to sow and reap my nature.
here in the quiet of the priest's templecourtyard,
mosses add their climbing colour to the thick bamboo;
and now comes the sun, out of mist and fog,
and pines that seem to be new-bathed;
and everything is gone from me, speech goes, and reading,
leaving the single unison.
久为簪组累, 幸此南夷谪。
闲依农圃邻, 偶似山林客。
晓耕翻露草, 夜榜响溪石。
来往不逢人, 长歌楚天碧。
dwelling by a stream
liu zongyuan
i had so long been troubled by official hat and robe
that i am glad to be an exile here in this wild southland.
i am a neighbour now of planters and reapers.
i am a guest of the mountains and woods.
i plough in the morning, turning dewy grasses,
and at evening tie my fisher-boat, breaking the quiet stream.
back and forth i go, scarcely meeting anyone,
and sing a long poem and gaze at the blue sky.
高卧南斋时, 开帷月初吐。
清辉淡水木, 演漾在窗户。
苒苒几盈虚? 澄澄变今古。
美人清江畔, 是夜越吟苦。
千里其如何? 微风吹兰杜。
with my brother at the south study
thinking in the moonlight of vice-prefect cui in shanyin
wang changling
lying on a high seat in the south study,
we have lifted the curtain-and we see the rising moon
brighten with pure light the water and the grove
and flow like a wave on our window and our door.
it will move through the cycle, full moon and then crescent again,
calmly, beyond our wisdom, altering new to old.
…our chosen one, our friend, is now by a limpid river --
singing, perhaps, a plaintive eastern song.
he is far, far away from us, three hundred miles away.
and yet a breath of orchids comes along the wind.
斜光照墟落, 穷巷牛羊归。
野老念牧童, 倚杖候荆扉。
雉雊麦苗秀, 蚕眠桑叶稀。
田夫荷锄立, 相见语依依。
即此羡闲逸, 怅然吟式微。
a farm-house on the wei river
wang wei
in the slant of the sun on the country-side,
cattle and sheep trail home along the lane;
and a rugged old man in a thatch door
leans on a staff and thinks of his son, the herdboy.
there are whirring pheasants? full wheat-ears,
silk-worms asleep, pared mulberry-leaves.
and the farmers, returning with hoes on their shoulders,
hail one another familiarly.
…no wonder i long for the simple life
and am sighing the old song, oh, to go back again!
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